04 Mar

Loving this gorgeous Spring weather- we are so spoilt here-our days are sunny-warm,our nights we enjoy our fires!  I do feel we have one of our best line ups ever !( I say that every year) but with several  Bands coming- all different, all special- I always feel excited about them all performing here- and the word is out!  So many artists wanting to come now- so we must be doing something right!  Neil -our Grants Officer will attend this year!  We do want to bring you the very best entertainment we can, a real smorgasbord, with a mix of Country/Celtic/Bluegrass and Hillbilly- Introducing our feature bands- A late addition- is Hoozat- who do a Dame Edna /kidz stuff, sound like a lotta fun.   Barleyshakes-from Brisbane-return again check out  their version of (Whiskey in the Jar!) on UTUBE. are an excellent Celtic group.  Those Folk- Have played at all the major Folk Festivals- and make their debut at the mountain this year- an exciting mix of Rockabilly/Bluegrass/Folk- consisting of some great fiddle/Instrumental/Performers-  Phil & Chris Coad- a real Country group- presenting all your favourites!  Anderson Lane-an exciting duo- who sing everything! and play good too. Our local group (Tilberry Green) vintage rock/country. ! Our soundman a new team (Sam Turner) from Brisbane- comes highly recommended!  Norma O'Hara Murphy -will perform- as you know Norma no longer tours! so always a special treat to see the live performance! I feel we are so privileged they all want to come & play at Bony Mountain!  To be honest -we get hundreds of applications every year! and this year we have been swamped!   we do try to support (new talent) new Bands, but we are limited with our budget! I wish we could bring them all to you. Our Walk up program will kick off on Tuesday morning- (Kevin Goodbun) our trusty stage Manager-  back up for any artists if needed. Phil-our Secretary- was my Sound man for twenty years! will be doing Sound for Walk Ups again -   for our kiddies, Free face painting- lolly shop etc


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