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We are experiencing beautiful rain- and more rain! the old Condamine may over flow if this keeps up!  nearly Xmas- more wet weather, and rain, beautiful rain! So the garden has gone mad- lots of birds, bottle brush flowering, honey myrtles, the birds are loving all that. Lots of garden jobs, plantings , mulching, the horses are going well, I have been involved in the battle for the brumbies, as you know- If you are interested go to my web site-www.bonymountainbrumbies.com  It is much more than just about our Heritage horses, it covers the Pioneers, the History ,with stories & photos from the 1800s. My web sites- www.normaoharamurphy.com-  my UTUBE site- lots of my clips on there- ! Our Festival site- www.bonymountainfolkfestival.net